Digital Radiology

Xtron represents the largest independent supplier of radiographic and fluoroscopic X-ray generators, including state-of-the-art, high-frequency output power suppliers; integrated system controls and digital imaging systems for medical diagnostic equipment. Our DR detectors offer high image quality, low dose, easy and reliable workflow while being the lightest weight detectors on the market. Xtron Imaging delivers quality, reliability and affordable options for all of your digital radiographic needs.

Xtron has been named a Del Medical Dealer of the Year and Canada’s number one Del Medical Universal support and distributor.  We have been partnered with Del Medical for more that 20 years.  Xtron Imaging takes pride in service and sales of all Del Medical products.

A partnership that has lasted over a decade. Canada’s first Konica Minolta CR provider we are now seeing the change to DR systems and constant improvement in reliability and image quality upgrading to Konica Aero DR.

Canon Medical Systems offer a full range of digital radiography detectors. Since 1997, Canon Medical Systems has introduced fourteen generations of flat panel sensors.   Let us show you the latest CXDI detectors and software.

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