Bone Densitometry

Xtron has been a leader in servicing and installing bone density machines for the last 20 years. Our BMD Service Agreements are customizable to suit your clinics needs, minimizing your systems downtime at an affordable price.

We service BMD machines manufactured by:

New and used parts for GE Lunar Prodigy DXA BMD. Relocations, calibration,  room planning and shielding, Ministry of Health drawings for BCEP and XRIS. Emergency service, telephone and remote support, parts and accessories with great customer support.

New and used parts for Hologic Discovery and Horizon DXA BMD. Relocation, calibration,  room planning and shielding, Ministry of Health drawings for BCEP and XRIS. Emergency service, telephone and remote support, parts and accessories with great customer support.

Have questions? Our expert staff can help

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